Its been a while since I blogged on anything.
Today I came across a post at change color image to gray scale
GrayScale - Converts the colors of the object to 256 shades of gray.An example will be
Since GrayScale filter is a filter present in the Internet Explorer,
we can achieve this result in IE simply by using the css property
.greyscale_filter{ filter: gray; }or
.greyscale_filter{ -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(grayscale=1)"; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(grayscale=1); }Here the second method is more advanced and must have Internet Explorer 5.5 or later to work properly.
There are number of filters in IE apart from GrayScale. Here are some lists
1. Static filters by MSDN
2. CSS Visual Filters
3. IE Multimedia filters reference
This is the case with Internet Explorer.
Now the big question.
Why does not the GrayScale filter work with browsers like Chrome, Firefox and Safari?
Simple. The filter is specific to IE only.
While I was searching through the internet for a good solution, I found this at SO
There I discovered a wonderful javascript coder named James Padolsey who is just 19!
Copied his GrayScale.js which according to James Padolsey is
Grayscale.js is an experimental attempt to emulate Microsoft's
proprietary 'grayscale' filter (available in most IE versions).
And it worked like a charm.
So here are the steps involved in achieving the hover effect
1. Grab the GrayScale.js from James Padolsey's site. (The link is here)
2. Add refernce to jQuery. Please note that jQuery is not required for grayscale.js - it's only used for this demo
Its better to refer jQuery like this (Read Dave Ward ka Encosia on this topic)
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>than
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jQuery.min.js"></script>3. Add a small javascript snippet like this
$(document).ready(function(){ $('img.greyonhover').hover(function(){ grayscale(this); }, function(){ grayscale.reset(this); }) });4. Assign the class="greyonhover" for the image you want to implement grayscale effect onhover
<img class="greyonhover" src="images/naveenj-thumb.jpg" />
This is all you have to do to achieve greying effect on hover. Download Source Code(9k)
7 comments on "Gray Scale images in all Browsers"
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Hi Naveen,
great blog!! still I am trying to get this the other way around: have images grayscale when loaded, and onhover have it in original color. Any ideas on how to adjust the code? I have tried but to no avail yet:(
I'm also wanting to start off grayscale, hover to full color. Do you know the fix for this?
Hi Naveen,
I've put this grayscale example in my code and it works pretty well in IE but in other browsers like Firefox or Chrome it doesn't go as smooth as it goes in IE. Do you know the reason??
Doesn't work for me in chrome 16
in order to use it reverse (grayscale load and then color on mouse over use the script below:
$(function () {
// fade in the grayscaled images to avoid visual jump
$(window).load(function () {
$('img.greyonhover').each(function () {
$(document).ready(function () {
$('img.greyonhover').hover(function () {
}, function () {
I was surfing net and fortunately came across this site and found very interesting stuff here. Its really fun to read. I enjoyed a lot. Thanks for sharing this wonderful information. Search Bar Firefox 57 Quantum addon
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